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Queer Sisters was established in January 1995. We are a queer women/female/human rights organization, and we consist of a group of women who are pursuing a world that is more open, inclusive and humane.

Our aim is to promote sexual and gender diversity and to raise women’s awareness of our sexual rights.


We serve women with all sorts of sexual orientations and/or gender identities as well as transgenders and those who are questioning their sexual orientation/gender identity.

In mid-1995, we did a research about sexuality of local women. It is an important research because nobody from the government or even any NGO has done such a survey before. From the 113 returned questionares, we know more about their feelings, needs and difficulties. It is precisely the findings of high suicide rate and the attempted suicide rate from the research that we decided to organize a hotline that provides support to local women.

We then did several reports and brought them to UN Women NGO Conference in Beijing and also the ALN (Asian Lesbian Conference) in Taipei in 1996

QS Hotline
This is a hotline specially for women with differences choices of sexuality. We provide information of activities of the local community and peer counseling service. The fact that even the Samaritans (a well-know hotline fro cases of suicide) and Horizons (a lesbian and gay hotline) did refer cases to us show that no other peer counseling service can fit local women who have problems about their sexuality.

The hotline has been serving local women since May 1996 — every Monday from 8:00-10:00pm. All peer counselors have to take a three-month training course which are particularly designed for women by one professional social worker and one clinico-psychiatrist.

Equal Opportunities Bill
We joined the Women Equal Opportunities Bill Coalition in early 1996. During the consultation period of equal opportunities of grounds of sexual orientation, we voiced out our own demand to the Lego members and also tried to arouse public attention on the legislation by press release and press conference. Regarding the EOB, we have to encounter the EOC (Equal Opportunities Commission). We also joined the Women Equal Opportunities Commission Coalition to monitor the the EOC on how they deal with complaints and their code of practice.

Other activities
Besides those hard core matters, we did organize fund-raising parties and have a lot of fun. About 150 women went to our parties each time.
Moreover, workshops are equally important for local women. We did some on issues of health such as breast cancer, video production and also self-defence etc.












性權和人權一樣,涉及的範圍很廣。簡單來說,就是人不能因不同類型的性的選擇、表達、傾向、行為等而受到歧視、逼害。同時,所有人(特別是女性)均有不被性暴力侵害,和在性行為中有保障自己生命安全(如堅持性伴侶實踐安全性行為)的權利。 就如我們認為,人有權探索、發現和選擇自己性意識形態(sexuality),例如選擇愛哪一個性別的人、穿哪一個性別的衣服、喜歡用哪一種方式做愛,其至選擇自己的性別等等。性權可以有多重定義,放在不同的族群裡,都可能有不同的涵義。


甚麼是性權,就如甚麼是人權一樣,定義應通過每個人的經驗去翻新、擴展;記著,不要任讓權威代替你去詮釋你的經驗。 性權就是人權 性權是天賦人權的伸延,是在性意識形態上,每個人皆享有和和該受尊重的權利,雖然,性權是人權中一個非常重要的部分,但由於它屬於私隱的範疇,要針對它並不容易。正是由於不易針對,人的性權被剝削的情況比想像中更嚴重。 性權關繫著我們每一個人的生死愛欲,如果您覺得自己的性權受到侵犯和壓抑,聯合妳的妹姊弟兄,起來做點事吧,啞忍不會令您的生活更好過。

Equal by rights
All of us were born equal with the same human rights. These rights are given to us by birth, and need not be defined or judged by any authority. Yet, the sexual rights that come with this natural package are never acknowledged, nor respected – not even by us.

Suppressed human instinct

Sex is part of life. It’s a fundamental human right. However, our right to sex has been institutionalized since history and reduced to a baby-making tool. Other than the “accepted” model, any other kinds (with consent or under Individual rights) – including loving members of our own sex, loving more than one sex, transvestism, practicing “non legitimate” sexual model, or choosing to adopt social behavior of the other sex – are all considered as immoral and abnormal under “the authority”.

The ethics and civilization behind HegemonyNorms, Morality, and Civilization are products of Hegemony under which Blacks, females, and even the lower class in the social strata are all considered as slaves, lunatics and criminals. Our society and our mode of behavior have been defined by those with power and are in control of world’s resource. They are the majority. By imposing their values onto minorities, they completely challenge the voice of reasons in order to exploit, discriminate and persecute these people.

It’s about love and desire
As inclusive as human rights, sexual rights also cover a wide range of aspects: the choice of who to love, and how to act on love. No one should be discriminated or persecuted based on their choices, sexual expressions or their sexuality. In the meantime, all (especially women) are entitled to the rights to not being sexually violated and be ensure of their safety during sex (such as insisting on safe-sex practicing).

We declare that we have the right to explore, discover and hence, choose the ideology of our sexuality in every aspects, such as which gender to love, the sexual appearance we like to display in public, how we act in bed and even our own sex.

Sexual right is not monistic. Different community/ethos creates different definition. Sexual right is just like human right, it’s a matter of re-discovery; an expansion through our collective experience. Just remember, do not let the authority speak for your own experience.

Sexual rights is human rights
Sexual right is an ideology in which everyone is entitled to the same respect; its nature calls for the protection of privacy. Unfortunately, this protected privacy soon becomes an excuse to shovel injustice into the dark, exploitation of a person’s sexual rights is more disastrous than ever because it cannot be seen. Sexual rights is about our life, and it encompasses our love and desire. If you ever feel that your sexual rights is being exploited or deprived of, call together your sisters and brothers and do something! Silence will not make things better for you.


Let’s respect and embrace diversity. Like everyone else in our society, sexual minorities should have the same civil rights.


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