

 天賦人權人權是每個人一生下來就擁有的基本權利,人權既是天賦,就應是任何人都擁有,並不受所謂權威去界定。可是,人生而擁有的有關性愛的權利,卻至今並未受到認同,甚至重視。 被蒸餾和壓縮的人類本能性愛是人類的重要本能,也是人類的基本權利,但長久以來,人的性愛卻被制度化,被壓縮成為生育手段,除了被「指定」的模式,包括愛與自己相同性別,或愛超過一種性別、穿異性的衣服、喜歡採用「非認可」性愛方式、選擇做另一個性別等,都被界定為不道德、野蠻和變態。 


關乎你我的生死愛欲性權和人權一樣,涉及的範圍很廣。簡單來說,就是人不能因不同類型的性的選擇、表達、傾向、行為等而受到歧視、逼害。同時,所有人(特別是女性)均有不被性暴力侵害,和在性行為中有保障自己生命安全(如堅持性伴侶實踐安全性行為)的權利。 就如我們認為,人有權探索、發現和選擇自己性意識形態(sexuality),例如選擇愛哪一個性別的人、穿哪一個性別的衣服、喜歡用哪一種方式做愛,其至選擇自己的性別等等。性權可以有多重定義,放在不同的族群裡,都可能有不同的涵義。甚麼是性權,就如甚麼是人權一樣,定義應通過每個人的經驗去翻新、擴展;記著,不要任讓權威代替你去詮釋你的經驗。 







Equal by rights

All of us were born equal with the same human rights.  These rights are given to us by birth, and need not be defined or judged by any authority.  Yet, the sexual rights that come with this natural package are never acknowledged, nor respected – not even by us.


Distilled and suppressed human instinct

Sex is part of life.  It’s the most fundamental human right.  However, our right to sex has been institutionalized since history and reduced to a baby-making tool.  Other than the “accepted” model, any other kinds – including loving members of our own sex, loving more than one sex, transvestism, practicing “non legitimate” sexual model, or choosing to adopt social behavior of the other sex – are all considered as immoral, barbarous and abnormal under “the authority”.


The ethics and civilization behind Hegemony

Norms, Morality, and Civilization are products of Hegemony under which Blacks, females, and even the lower class in the social strata are all considered as slaves, lunatics and criminals.  Our society and our mode of behavior have been defined by those with power and are in control of world’s resource.  They are the majority.  By imposing their values onto minorities, they completely challenge the voice of reasons in order to exploit, discriminate and persecute these people.


It's about love and desire

As inclusive as human rights, sexual rights also cover a wide range of aspects: the choice of who to love, and how to act on love.  No one should be discriminated or persecuted based on their choices, sexual expressions or their sexuality.  In the meantime, all (especially women) are entitled to the rights to not being sexually violated and be ensure of their safety during sex (such as insisting on safe-sex practicing). 


We declare that we have the right to explore, discover and hence, choose the ideology of our sexuality in every aspects, such as which gender to love, the sexual appearance we like to display in public, how we act in bed and even our own sex.

Sexual right is not monistic.  Different community/ethos creates different definition.  Sexual right is just like human right, it’s a matter of re-discovery; an expansion through our collective experience.  Just remember, do not let the authority speak for your own experience.


Sexual rights is human rights

Sexual right is an ideology in which everyone is entitled to the same respect; its nature calls for the protection of privacy.  Unfortunately, this protected privacy soon becomes an excuse to shovel injustice into the dark, exploitation of a person’s sexual rights is more disastrous than ever because it cannot be seen.  Sexual rights is about our life, and it encompasses our love and desire. If you ever feel that your sexual rights is being exploited or deprived of, call together your sisters and brothers and do something!  Silence will not make things better for you.



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