姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline

姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline

請使用whatsapp預約通電話的時間,輔導員會盡快回覆你。 Whatsapp: (852) 9260 8191 「姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線」成立於1996年,是香港一條專為性小眾(例如同志、同性戀者、雙性戀者、跨性別人士等)及其親友而設的朋輩輔導熱線。 來電個案由受過專業訓練的輔導員接聽,傾談內容絕對保密。 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline Please use whatsapp to make an appointment, and our counsellor will contact you as soon as possible. Our whatsapp number is: (852) 9260 8191 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline was established in 1996, and our mission is to serve sexual minorities (such as LGBTQI, tongzhi, homosexual, bisexual, transgender etc) and their families and friends. Our hotline is answered by professionally trained counsellors; and clients can be assured of confidentiality.
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姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline

姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline

由專人接聽,請留言及聯絡電話號碼,輔導員會盡快回覆你。 電話:(852) 2314 4348 服務使用者亦可以用whatsapp預約通電話的時間: (852) 9260 8191‬ 「姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線」成立於1996年,是香港一條專為性小眾(例如同志、同性戀者、雙性戀者、跨性別人士等)及其親友而設的朋輩輔導熱線。 來電個案由受過專業訓練的輔導員接聽,傾談內容絕對保密。 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline Please leave a voice message with your phone number, and our counsellor will contact you as soon as possible. Hotline number: (852) 2314 4348 Hotline clients could also use whatsapp to arrange the time for telephone conversation. Our whatsapp number is: (852) 9260 8191‬ Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline was established in 1996, and our mission is to serve sexual minorities (such as LGBTQI, tongzhi, homosexual, bisexual, transgender etc) and their families and friends. Our hotline is answered by professionally trained counsellors; and clients can be assured of confidentiality.
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今年2月15日,香港會上一部由跨性別朋友主演嘅跨性別電影。 故事大綱 榮獲柏林影展「最佳編劇銀熊獎」、「泰迪熊獎最佳電影」及提名奧斯卡「最佳外語片」最後五強。智利著名變性演員丹妮娜維嘉,以切身經歷飾演變性女孩瑪蓮娜。原本過著幸褔生活的瑪蓮娜,在愛人安納圖突然過世後,變得一無所有。痛失所愛的瑪蓮娜要獨自面對安納圖的家人、社會的歧視和刁難。為與摰愛道別,瑪蓮娜為愛義無反顧,堅強地爭取應得的尊重和權利。柏林得獎導演《歌莉亞戀愛日記》塞巴斯蒂安烈利奧又一細膩刻劃個性之作。 有別於不少相關電影題材的選角,本片的變性人角色不由男或女演員飾演,而是由本身就是位跨性別女性的演員丹妮娜維嘉 (Daniela Vega ) 擔綱演出。她於片中精準的呈現失去愛人的悲痛與及抵抗世俗目光的堅毅,結果憑超凡的演出贏得FENIX FILM AWARD 電影大獎最佳女主角獎。導演塞巴斯蒂安烈利奧早憑《歌莉亞戀愛日記》大放異彩,驚豔了當年的柏林影展。這次他於《神奇女郎》中利用雅俗共賞的劇情呈現跨性別人士在社會中遇到的各種障礙,故事扣人心弦而畫面奪目,使他成為國際影壇的焦點,更被英國權威電影評論《The Guardian》譽為國際知名的西班牙導演艾慕杜華(Pedro Almodovar)的接班人。
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東華三院「 同。一線」 (2217-5959)

東華三院「 同。一線」 (2217-5959)

東華三院「 同。一線」 (2217-5959) 東華三院開了一條24小時專為性小眾而設既服務熱線, 你地如果有心事, 想搵人傾下計,又或者遇疑難,都可以打比佢地, 佢哋社工好樂意陪伴和聆聽你地既需要架。仲有呀, 除左熱線服務,佢地會定期舉辦一d 活動, 讓大家可以識下新朋友、輕鬆下, 減下壓,同埋互相支持添。 24小時熱線號碼係(2217-5959), 都好容易記, 唔好猶疑呀, 攞起電話, 希望你地、你地嘅屋企人又或者關心你既朋友都可以打黎。 https://m.facebook.com/TWGHsPrideLine/photos/a.1764021136969229.1073741829.1763245010380175/1763294593708550/?type=3&source=57&__tn__=EH-R
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姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline

姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline

由專人接聽,請留言及聯絡電話號碼,輔導員會盡快回覆你。 電話:(852) 2314 4348 服務使用者亦可以用whatsapp預約通電話的時間: (852) 9260 8191‬ 「姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線」成立於1996年,是香港一條專為性小眾(例如同志、同性戀者、雙性戀者、跨性別人士等)及其親友而設的朋輩輔導熱線。 來電個案由受過專業訓練的輔導員接聽,傾談內容絕對保密。 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline Please leave a voice message with your phone number, and our counsellor will contact you as soon as possible. Hotline number: (852) 2314 4348 Hotline clients could also use whatsapp to arrange the time for telephone conversation. Our whatsapp number is: (852) 9260 8191‬ Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline was established in 1996, and our mission is to serve sexual minorities (such as LGBTQI, tongzhi, homosexual, bisexual, transgender etc) and their families and friends. Our hotline is answered by professionally trained counsellors; and clients can be assured of confidentiality.
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