姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline
請使用whatsapp預約通電話的時間,輔導員會盡快回覆你。 Whatsapp: (852) 9260 8191 「姊妹同志朋輩輔導熱線」成立於1996年,是香港一條專為性小眾(例如同志、同性戀者、雙性戀者、跨性別人士等)及其親友而設的朋輩輔導熱線。 來電個案由受過專業訓練的輔導員接聽,傾談內容絕對保密。 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline Please use whatsapp to make an appointment, and our counsellor will contact you as soon as possible. Our whatsapp number is: (852) 9260 8191 Queer Sisters Peer Counselling Hotline was established in 1996, and our mission is to serve sexual minorities (such as LGBTQI, tongzhi, homosexual, bisexual, transgender etc) and their families and friends. Our hotline is answered by professionally trained counsellors; and clients can be assured of confidentiality.